Monday, November 22, 2010

UNEXPECTED Day and St Mary's

Today at St. Mary's was a great experience, the theme was Thanksgiving.  I was in the cafeteria group so at first we evaluated a boy and a girl during Ryan, Trent and Pete's games.  We evaluated them on their basketball dribbling and kicking. We were hit with a curve ball as soon as we walked into the gym. We were stuck with use of only half of the gym. I thought the gym group did a good job because it was easy for us to evaluate the the kids during their games with the small area.  After the gym group was done with their games my group headed down to the cafeteria to meet up with our group. We had got there just in time for a couple of rounds of heads up seven up.  I always loved playing this game when I was a little kid, I feel that the game will never get old. We then went up to the gym to play our games with the kids. I did not think mine would work because of the small area that we were limited to, but I tried it anyway. I tried to get the kids to play but only three kids were interested, so we gave it a try.  My game was called "Kick the Turkey", the goal was to kick the soccer balls into the net. Since we did not have much room or a big number of kids participating, I went in to be a goalie.  We were to close and the kids were really good at kicking and the game was becoming too dangerous. When the others saw me in goal they wanted to take my spot, at that point I had to put the game to an end because I did not want anyone to get hurt. Although we had some some obstacles to overcome I felt our time was not wasted. I had fun working with little Tommy. We played one on one basketball and threw the football around. Great day at St. Mary's!!!!!!

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